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Here some app­ren­ti­ces and stu­dents re­port about their dai­ly ex­pe­ri­en­ces at other lo­ca­ti­ons, be­cau­se our main lo­ca­ti­on for our Vo­ca­tio­nal Training Team is in Weikersheim.

Hap­py 15th Bir­th­day Weikersheim!

Today we celebrated an important milestone - 15 years of our Weikersheim office. During the lunch break we enjoyed some grilled sausages or grilled cheese and a casual get-together. Here's…

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NOS Work­shop in Munich

From 31.07. to 03.08. I attended a workshop in Ismaning. The topic was the new online store of TecAlliance. We discussed the migration of users from the old to the…

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Se­mes­ter ab­road in Australia

G´day mates, my name is Deborah, and I've been living in Australia since the end of March. After a fantastic orientation week filled with exciting activities and meeting many international…

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Ro­ta­ti­on Caruso

On 05.12.22 my rotation from Weikersheim to Mannheim started, as I am spending my current practical phase in the Customer Experience Team of CARUSO. In order to not only work…

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Move to a new of­fice in Maastricht

Hey, my name is Hagji and I am currently in my first year of apprenticeship as a management assistant. Together with Julian, we supported the move in Maastricht. During the…

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Jana’s se­mes­ter ab­road in the USA

Hello! My name is Jana and I am currently spending my 4th semester in the Business Administration-Digital Business Management program at the University of California at Riverside. I have already…

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