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Team­e­vent in Ismaning

Hey the­re!

My name is Io­an­na and I’m curr­ent­ly in my last year of training to be­co­me an IT spe­cia­list for ap­pli­ca­ti­on de­ve­lo­p­ment. For the last few months of my app­ren­ti­ce­ship, I have the op­por­tu­ni­ty to work with our Tec­Com Por­tal team wi­thin the Busi­ness Unit Or­der Manager. 

The Tec­Com Por­tal Team is made up of col­le­agues who live in Ger­ma­ny, Viet­nam and Spain and working tog­e­ther main­ly hap­pens re­mo­te via Mi­cro­soft Teams. Alt­hough working tog­e­ther di­gi­tal­ly is al­ways pret­ty fun and en­joya­ble the team had plan­ned a Get-Tog­e­ther at our Lo­ca­ti­on in Mu­nich so that we can meet each other in per­son and con­nect personally. 

Our col­le­agues from Viet­nam and Spain had ar­ri­ved on Mon­day 26th of Fe­bru­ary and stay­ed for the en­ti­re week. Sin­ce I had to vi­sit the vo­ca­tio­nal school start­ing Mon­day 26th I wasn’t able to join for the who­le week. Ho­we­ver af­ter I had spo­ken to our group ma­na­ger about my wish to see our col­le­agues from the team in per­son she ar­ran­ged the pos­si­bi­li­ty for me to vi­sit Mu­nich for one Day so that I could join in on some ac­ti­vi­ties and join into the team spirit.

In the af­ter­noon of Wed­nes­day 28th I left for Mu­nich af­ter I had fi­nis­hed my les­sons of the day. Af­ter ar­ri­ving in Mu­nich and sett­ling mys­elf in my ho­tel I made my way to the re­stau­rant La Piz­za whe­re I was joi­n­ed by the other col­le­agues – Many of which I had prio­r­ly never met in per­son. Af­ter re­cei­ving a very warm wel­co­me and be­ing in­tro­du­ced to ever­yo­ne in per­son we all got si­tua­ted and I got a quick in­sight into the team mem­bers’ ex­pe­ri­en­ces du­ring their first vi­sit in Mu­nich be­fo­re we en­joy­ed some gre­at food and drinks over very amusing con­ver­sa­ti­ons and sto­ries. Af­ter­wards we made our way to a beer cel­lar whe­re we con­tin­ued ex­chan­ging fun­ny ex­pe­ri­en­ces and sto­ries and got to know each other better.

When the night came to an end the team mem­bers ac­com­pa­nied me to the train sta­ti­on whe­re I sad­ly had to say good­bye for the time being. 

Loo­king back I can say that I am very thank­ful to have had the op­por­tu­ni­ty to meet most of the team in per­son even if it was so­le­ly for one evening. Re­gard­less of the fact that we had never met in per­son be­fo­re ever­yo­ne con­tri­bu­ted to a very warm, open and wel­co­ming atmosphere. 

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