
Whe­ther it’s an app­ren­ti­ce­ship, a dual stu­dy pro­gram­me or a school in­tern­ship: with us you can take many dif­fe­rent paths to your fu­ture. The spe­cial thing about us: You will get to know all Ger­man bran­ches – i.e. Is­ma­ning, Co­lo­gne and Wei­kers­heim – as part of the “job ro­ta­ti­on” du­ring both an app­ren­ti­ce­ship and a dual stu­dy pro­gram­me and thus gain deep in­sights into the en­ti­re TecAlliance world. In ad­di­ti­on to ex­ci­ting pro­jects, a gre­at trai­nee and stu­dent team, a se­cu­re job with good chan­ces of be­ing hi­red, a di­stinc­ti­ve working at­mo­sphe­re and lots of be­ne­fits and com­pa­ny events are awai­ting you.

The TecAlliance works tog­e­ther with the vo­ca­tio­nal schools in Bad Mer­gen­theim and Würz­burg as part of the training and with the “Dua­le Hoch­schu­le Ba­den-Würt­tem­berg” for the studies.

Your ent­ry opportunities


You will find here our ar­tic­les about the TecAlliance and our adventures.


Why TecAlliance?

The­se points con­vin­ced us to join TecAlliance.


Learn the ba­sics about pro­gramming and TecAlliance in one of our workshops.

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