Ba­che­lor the­sis at TecAlliance

Tog­e­ther we shape the di­gi­tal fu­ture of the au­to­mo­ti­ve af­ter­mar­ket. Be­co­me part of a strong alliance!

For over 20 ye­ars, we have been set­ting glo­bal stan­dards in the au­to­mo­ti­ve af­ter­mar­ket: As a di­gi­tal in­no­va­tor and pro­vi­der of lea­ding ex­pert so­lu­ti­ons, we are awa­re of the gre­at re­spon­si­bi­li­ty for the suc­cess of our cus­to­mers and the mar­ket. A deep know­ledge of the in­dus­try and our cla­im to the hig­hest qua­li­ty and safe­ty, ba­sed on sus­tainable tech­no­lo­gies, di­stin­gu­ish us. We sup­port our cus­to­mers with data-dri­ven di­gi­tal so­lu­ti­ons and in­no­va­ti­ve ser­vices in di­gi­tal transformation.

Are you plan­ning your ba­che­lor the­sis? – With us you will find trend-set­ting to­pics in many spe­cia­list are­as. With us, you will make im­portant cont­acts for your fu­ture care­er ent­ry. You will work on your to­pic at the in­ter­face of theo­ry and prac­ti­ce and be­ne­fit from our tech­ni­cal ex­perts. Is the­re no sui­ta­ble to­pic for you? Then wri­te us your suggestion!


  • Good per­for­mance in the de­gree pro­grams Busi­ness In­for­ma­tics or Ap­pli­ed Com­pu­ter Science
  • In­te­rest and commitment

What we offer

  • A fa­mi­li­ar, col­le­gi­al and re­spectful working at­mo­sphe­re with an open cul­tu­re of dis­cus­sion and flat hierarchies
  • Working with the la­test technologies
  • Agi­le working me­thods in all pro­jects and in­ter­nal departments
  • High de­grees of free­dom and per­so­nal responsibility
  • Fle­xi­ble working hours
  • Note­book also for pri­va­te use
  • A lot of pro­s­pects for the future
  • Food at a re­du­ced pri­ce in our canteen

What to expect

  • Ex­ci­ting in­sights into working with real data and cus­to­mers as well as the pro­fes­sio­nal and agi­le soft­ware de­ve­lo­p­ment process
  • In­vol­vement in the en­ti­re de­ve­lo­p­ment pro­cess of our soft­ware – from con­cep­ti­on to im­ple­men­ta­ti­on and testing


4 to 6 months be­fo­re the de­si­red start of the ba­che­lor the­sis


4 to 6 months full-time 


You can send us an un­so­li­ci­ted ap­pli­ca­ti­on for a ba­che­lor in our com­pa­ny at any time.
in­itia­ti­ve ap­p­ly or look at our va­cant positions

Cont­act person

Kers­tin Lang­ohr
Training ma­na­ger

Pho­ne: 07934 99299 6108



Learn ba­sic pro­gramming and get to know TecAlliance


Why TecAlliance?

The­se op­por­tu­ni­ties have con­vin­ced us of TecAlliance


Meet us at a trade fair and talk to us on the spot.

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