Dual stu­dy program

The dual stu­dy pro­gram is di­vi­ded into theo­ry and prac­ti­ce pha­ses. You will spend your prac­ti­cal pha­ses not only at our lo­ca­ti­on in Wei­kers­heim but also at our other lo­ca­ti­ons in Co­lo­gne and Is­ma­ning. You will spend your theo­re­ti­cal pha­se on the DHBW cam­pus in Bad Mer­gen­theim, Mos­bach or Lör­rach, de­pen­ding on which de­gree pro­gram you choo­se. Du­ring your stu­dies you also have the op­por­tu­ni­ty to com­ple­te a se­mes­ter abroad.


Our dual stu­dy programs

Ge­ne­ral information

Start of studies 

Every 1st September 


3 years 

Ge­ne­ral conditions 

Working time: 40 hours/week
Va­ca­ti­on: 30 days/year

Co­ope­ra­ti­ve Sta­te University 

DHBW Bad Mergentheim 
DHBW Mosbach 
DHBW Lörrach 

Training location 

Main lo­ca­ti­on: Weikersheim 
Fur­ther sites: Co­lo­gne, Ismaning 


Can­teen subsidy 
Fuel cards for theo­ry phases 
Li­ving sub­s­idy possible 

Cont­act person

Kers­tin Lang­ohr
Training Ma­na­ger

Pho­ne: 07934 99299 6108

Email: kerstin.langohr@tecalliance.net


Learn ba­sic pro­gramming and get to know TecAlliance


Why TecAlliance?

The­se op­por­tu­ni­ties have con­vin­ced us of TecAlliance


Meet us at a trade fair and talk to us on the spot.

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