Lo­ca­ti­on presentation

You get to know our dif­fe­rent of­fice lo­ca­ti­ons du­ring your training/studies.

Our lo­ca­ti­on in Wei­kers­heim is the lar­ges TecAlliance site and the main training lo­ca­ti­on for the trai­nee team.
For us trai­nees and stu­dents we have our own of­fice here, which is available ex­clu­si­ve­ly for training. Here we learn all im­portant ba­sics for our training, ex­ch­an­ge ide­as with each other and re­cei­ve im­portant tips and sup­port from our trainers.
The of­fice in Wei­kers­heim is struc­tu­red into many open-plan of­fices. But if you ever need a place whe­re you can work alo­ne wi­t­hout be­ing dis­tur­bed, you can use one of the ThinkCells. 

Our head­quar­ter is lo­ca­ted in Is­ma­ning near Mu­nich. Du­ring your training or stu­dies you can also work at this lo­ca­ti­on for a while. In this way, you will meet new col­le­agues, gain fur­ther in­sights into the pro­ducts and de­part­ments of TecAlliance and have the op­por­tu­ni­ty to vi­sit Mu­nich in your free time.

You can also pos­si­ble for you to work in our of­fice in Co­lo­gne for some time to get to know other de­part­ments and also meet more col­le­agues. The buil­ding was only oc­cu­p­ied by TecAlliance in 2019 and is very mo­dern. Like at most TecAlliance lo­ca­ti­ons you find open-plan of­fices here and many Think Cells to pro­vi­de a quiet place. In ad­di­ti­on, em­ployees at the Co­lo­gne site have ac­cess to a ne­ar­by can­teen, their own fit­ness room and a re­la­xa­ti­on room for lunch breaks or af­ter work activities.

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