Dro­pouts from university 

You are curr­ent­ly stu­dy­ing and are un­de­ci­ded whe­ther you want to fi­nish it? Or have you al­re­a­dy fi­nis­hed your stu­dies and are loo­king for a sui­ta­ble al­ter­na­ti­ve with more prac­ti­cal relevance?

You will find what you are loo­king for at TecAlliance! In­de­pen­dence is a top prio­ri­ty. As a trai­nee, you will be gi­ven a lot of re­spon­si­bi­li­ty right from the start and will work on ex­ci­ting projects!


  • Uni­ver­si­ty ent­rance qualification
  • Pri­or know­ledge of pro­gramming, da­ta­ba­ses and networks

What we of­fer you

  • Fle­xi­ti­me model
  • Fuel vou­ch­ers
  • Ro­ta­ti­on to other locations
  • Com­pa­ny events
  • High chan­ces of be­ing ta­ken on
  • Pos­si­bi­li­ty of fur­ther training and dual studies

What awaits you

  • Work in in­de­pen­dent projects
  • Lear­ning and using dif­fe­rent pro­gramming languages


Pos­si­ble at any time! 


3 ye­ars, with cer­tain pre­vious edu­ca­ti­on a re­duc­tion to up to 2 ye­ars is possible 


Be­gin­ning of Sep­tem­ber, la­te­ral ent­ry also possible 

Cont­act person

Kers­tin Lang­ohr
Training Ma­na­ger

Pho­ne: 07934 99299 6108

E‑Mail: kerstin.langohr@tecalliance.net



Learn ba­sic pro­gramming and get to know TecAlliance


Why TecAlliance?

The­se op­por­tu­ni­ties have con­vin­ced us of TecAlliance



Meet us at a trade fair and talk to us on the spot.

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