Ba­che­lor of Arts:
In­ter­na­tio­nal Busi­ness (m/f/d)

Dual Stu­dy pro­gram at DHBW Mos­bach – Cam­pus Bad Mergentheim

Start of studies 

start­ing Sep­tem­ber 2026 

many elec­ti­ve courses 


3 years 

210 ECTS-points 

What should you bring with you?

  • You are in­te­res­ted in how pro­ducts can be mar­ke­ted internationally
  • You would like to learn le­gal ba­sics du­ring your studies
  • You are in­te­res­ted in spe­ci­fic mar­ke­ting ap­proa­ches and want to ap­p­ly them di­rect­ly in practice
  • You have a ge­ne­ral qua­li­fi­ca­ti­on for uni­ver­si­ty ent­rance (A‑level) or a com­pa­ra­ble qualification


To­pics of interest

Ger­man (le­vel C1)


Busi­ness Administration


Glo­bal busi­ness operations

Re­a­ding Eng­lish tech­ni­cal literature


What do we offer?

Fle­xi­ble workhours 

Stu­dy­ing cur­rent to­pics & trends 

Com­pa­ny pen­si­on plan 

Com­pre­hen­si­ve onboarding 

Meal allowances 

Ex­cel­lent chan­ces of be­ing hired 

Fuel vouchers 

Housing allowances 

Fri­end­ly & in­for­mal atmosphere 

In­de­pen­dent work in in­ter­na­tio­nal teams 

Ro­ta­ti­on to our locations 

Sup­port for fur­ther training 

You are in­te­res­ted in the dual stu­dy pro­gram “Ba­che­lor of Arts: In­ter­na­tio­nal Business”? We are loo­king for­ward to re­cei­ve your application!

What our Trai­nees say about TecAlliance


Learn ba­sic pro­gramming and get to know TecAlliance


Why TecAlliance?

The­se op­por­tu­ni­ties have con­vin­ced us of TecAlliance


Meet us at a trade fair and talk to us on the spot.

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