After almost three years, it’s that time again and the next degree is almost in my pocket: the bachelor’s degree. The time flew by!
And we were also challenged in the last theoretical phase: an oral exam on all the content of the lectures was supposed to test the knowledge we had learned. A few weeks before, we reminisced and looked through all the lecture notes from the first to sixth semesters. Unfortunately, we were unable to limit our learning to the content of the annual reflection reports, which document which tasks and topics were dealt with in the company and link them to the content learned at the DHBW. But the day got closer and closer and the excitement grew …
Ultimately, all of the three examiners’ specialist areas were theoretically examined in 10 minutes of questions per examinee and the reflection reports were only marginally discussed. But don’t worry, we all managed it very well!
But this oral exam wasn’t supposed to be everything: there were also two exams on the schedule – employee management and the module elective in marketing or operations management. The first was part of a module and was worth 60 points and the second was our longest and most important exam of the course at 3 hours and 180 points. The best comes last, right? I previously chose marketing and attended lectures with over 7 lecturers in the fifth and sixth semesters. The exam was then divided into 5 parts by 5 different lecturers. We are currently still waiting for the results ^^” But during the lecture weeks of the sixth semester, some examinations were already completed and some good grades were already collected.
Finally, my last semester was celebrated with a trip to the Ballermann!! I’m telling you, the best comes last …
But there’s still the bachelor’s thesis …