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The best co­mes last

Af­ter al­most th­ree ye­ars, it’s that time again and the next de­gree is al­most in my po­cket: the bachelor’s de­gree. The time flew by!

And we were also chal­len­ged in the last theo­re­ti­cal pha­se: an oral exam on all the con­tent of the lec­tures was sup­po­sed to test the know­ledge we had lear­ned. A few weeks be­fo­re, we re­mi­nis­ced and loo­ked th­rough all the lec­tu­re no­tes from the first to sixth se­mes­ters. Un­fort­u­na­te­ly, we were unable to li­mit our lear­ning to the con­tent of the an­nu­al re­flec­tion re­ports, which do­cu­ment which tasks and to­pics were dealt with in the com­pa­ny and link them to the con­tent lear­ned at the DHBW. But the day got clo­ser and clo­ser and the ex­ci­te­ment grew …

Ul­ti­m­ate­ly, all of the th­ree ex­ami­ners’ spe­cia­list are­as were theo­re­ti­cal­ly ex­ami­ned in 10 mi­nu­tes of ques­ti­ons per ex­ami­nee and the re­flec­tion re­ports were only mar­gi­nal­ly dis­cus­sed. But don’t worry, we all ma­na­ged it very well!

But this oral exam was­n’t sup­po­sed to be ever­y­thing: the­re were also two exams on the sche­du­le – em­ployee ma­nage­ment and the mo­du­le elec­ti­ve in mar­ke­ting or ope­ra­ti­ons ma­nage­ment. The first was part of a mo­du­le and was worth 60 points and the se­cond was our lon­gest and most im­portant exam of the cour­se at 3 hours and 180 points. The best co­mes last, right? I pre­vious­ly cho­se mar­ke­ting and at­ten­ded lec­tures with over 7 lec­tu­r­ers in the fifth and sixth se­mes­ters. The exam was then di­vi­ded into 5 parts by 5 dif­fe­rent lec­tu­r­ers. We are curr­ent­ly still wai­ting for the re­sults ^^” But du­ring the lec­tu­re weeks of the sixth se­mes­ter, some ex­ami­na­ti­ons were al­re­a­dy com­ple­ted and some good gra­des were al­re­a­dy collected.

Fi­nal­ly, my last se­mes­ter was ce­le­bra­ted with a trip to the Bal­ler­mann!! I’m tel­ling you, the best co­mes last …

But there’s still the bachelor’s thesis …

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