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RMI BU Mee­ting 2024

Hel­lo, my name is Hans, I am curr­ent­ly stu­dy­ing In­ter­na­tio­nal Busi­ness in my first year at the DHBW in Bad Mer­gen­theim. In mid-July I had the chan­ce to at­tend the RMI Busi­ness Unit Mee­ting in Weikersheim.

RMI? What does that mean?

RMI is short for Re­pair and Main­ten­an­ce In­for­ma­ti­on. Peo­p­le all over the world work in the Busi­ness Unit (a de­part­ment in our com­pa­ny). Du­ring the th­ree-day event, I was able to meet col­le­agues from Viet­nam, France, Spain, Eng­land, the Ne­t­her­lands and other countries.

The­re were many pre­sen­ta­ti­ons with up­dates on the pro­ducts, pro­duct sa­les in dif­fe­rent count­ries, mar­ke­ting and other to­pics. Va­rious col­le­agues ex­plai­ned what they are curr­ent­ly working on and what plans they have for the fu­ture, so that ever­yo­ne was brought up to date on what is hap­pe­ning in the Busi­ness Unit. We also had the ho­nor of ha­ving our CEO with us, who tal­ked about what the company’s mis­si­on is with the di­vi­si­on un­til 2030.

In ad­di­ti­on to pre­sen­ta­ti­ons, the­re were also work­shops whe­re ever­yo­ne could con­tri­bu­te their ide­as and va­rious games to get to know col­le­agues from other teams bet­ter. My high­light was part of a work­shop in which we had to de­sign and sell a pro­duct made from was­te. It was gre­at to see the en­thu­si­asm of the dif­fe­rent groups and how the va­rious crea­ti­ons were pre­sen­ted at the end. I will de­fi­ni­te­ly re­mem­ber our idea of de­ve­lo­ping a lamp out of wa­ter that can only be seen with our spe­cial glasses.

It was a gre­at few days and I hope to be able to at­tend RMI’s next BU meeting.

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