Our first prac­ti­cal phase

Last week we, Isa­bell, Dal­ma and I, vi­si­ted the Co­lo­gne site for the first time. This th­ree-day trip was im­pres­si­ve, in­te­res­t­ing and very ex­ci­ting for us. We were fa­sci­na­ted by the be­au­ty of the huge city of Co­lo­gne and, most im­portant­ly for us, we gai­ned pro­fes­sio­nal ex­pe­ri­ence by par­ti­ci­pa­ting in a new project.

The trip star­ted on Wed­nes­day, 05.02. We star­ted ear­ly and were at the com­pa­ny in only 3 hours. Af­ter a short tour of the buil­ding we star­ted the mee­ting with the PMA pro­ject ma­na­ger. Me­an­while we got an­o­ther in­sight into the team “So­lu­ti­on Ma­nage­ment” and af­ter­wards we were di­vi­ded into th­ree groups, which dif­fe­red from each other by their tasks.
Isa­bell and her ma­na­ger dealt with qua­li­ty tests and cus­to­mer ac­count creation.
Dal­ma was re­spon­si­ble for com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on with cus­to­mers, I work­ed on the crea­ti­on of do­cu­men­ta­ti­on for new cus­to­mers. Thanks to the sup­port of our trai­ners, we quick­ly got a grip with the new de­part­ment and mas­te­red the first challenges.

As our ho­tel was lo­ca­ted in the city cent­re, we could ful­ly en­joy the Co­lo­gne at­mo­sphe­re and vi­sit se­ve­ral well-known places in the city. We were also hap­py to see the other trai­nees of our com­pa­ny again and to spend our free time together.

The th­ree days in Co­lo­gne pas­sed quick­ly. Sin­ce 10 Fe­bru­ary we are back in Wei­kers­heim and con­ti­nue working on our tasks. We are high­ly mo­ti­va­ted and are hap­py to be able to con­tri­bu­te to the project.

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