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Training in the SAP-Team

Af­ter ma­king my first cont­acts with the sales/consulting world wi­thin TecAlliance, I have swit­ched to the SAP team.

Here I am get­ting to know the SAP world wi­thin TecAlliance, which con­sists of va­rious tasks like con­sul­ting to­pics or also the de­ve­lo­p­ment of small ap­pli­ca­ti­ons in ABAP, the SAP pro­gramming language.

I had been in­te­res­ted in SAP for a long time, that’s why the ro­ta­ti­on is a good chan­ce to get to know the SAP more in­ten­si­ve­ly and de­tail­ed. I was wel­co­med with open hands from the very first day and the new col­le­agues work­ed di­rect­ly on in­te­gra­ting me into the team in the best pos­si­ble way. For ex­am­p­le, the SAP team gave me the op­por­tu­ni­ty to work on a small cus­to­mer pro­ject. As part of the pro­ject, I am in char­ge of re­spon­ding to the customer’s ques­ti­ons, if they have any, and pre­sen­ting pos­si­ble solutions.

Bes­i­des this, pro­gramming is also one of the main tasks. Here I get to deal with ABAP. Alt­hough I work­ed a lot with C# and im­pro­ved my pro­gramming skills sin­ce the be­gin­ning of my training at TecAlliance, ABAP seems to be a chall­enge for me. The syn­tax as well as the func­tion­a­li­ties of ABAP are very dif­fe­rent from C#. But with the help of the SAP team, with se­ve­ral ses­si­ons a week around the ABAP to­pic, lear­ning the ba­sic un­der­stan­ding of this pro­gramming lan­guage is made a lot easier.

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