Writ­ten AdA-examination

On the 27.04 the writ­ten AdA-ex­ami­na­ti­on (training of trai­ners) took place, which had been post­po­ned in Ja­nu­ary due to the Co­ro­na si­tua­ti­on. As ex­pec­ted, the exam was con­duc­ted on­line and I could take part in it from the of­fice. The ex­ami­na­ti­on date has been sche­du­led for the pe­ri­od from 13:00 to 14:00.

Short­ly be­fo­re the exam, I had to log into a vir­tu­al zoom room, turn on my ca­me­ra and show mys­elf.  Af­ter the at­ten­dance check, I could ac­cess the ex­ami­na­ti­on tasks. The­se were uploa­ded by our lec­tu­rer in AdA as a Word file on the Mood­le of DHBW Mos­bach. This file was used as a vir­tu­al ex­ami­na­ti­on book­let in which we had to name ans­wers to the tasks set. The exam con­tai­ned 9 ques­ti­ons, which were re­la­ted to the know­ledge ac­qui­red du­ring the AdA ses­si­ons in the fol­lo­wing to­pics: “Che­cking training re­qui­re­ments and plan­ning training”, “Pre­pa­ring training and hel­ping to re­cruit trai­nees”, “Con­duc­ting training”, “Com­ple­ting training”.

The exam sub­mis­si­on also went via Mood­le, whe­re we had to upload our work for as­sess­ment. Af­ter the lec­tu­rer con­firm­ed the sub­mis­si­on, the exam was over and I could lea­ve the vir­tu­al room.

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