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The 1st Ad­vent at Co­ro­na time

For many it is the most beau­tiful time of the year:  

Du­ring Co­ro­na, ho­we­ver, Ad­vent and Christ­mas are ex­pe­ri­en­ced and ce­le­bra­ted dif­fer­ent­ly this year, be­cau­se as we now know, the Co­ro­na vi­rus un­fort­u­na­te­ly does not take a Christ­mas break. At­mo­sphe­ric pre-Christ­mas vi­sits to Christ­mas mar­kets, mer­ry Christ­mas par­ties with fri­ends and col­le­agues, long-awai­ted get-tog­e­thers with the who­le fa­mi­ly and spor­ty ski­ing va­ca­ti­ons in the moun­ta­ins will only be available in a very li­mi­t­ed form this year.  



This makes it all the more im­portant to plan the Ad­vent sea­son and the fes­ti­vi­ties tog­e­ther, to re­spond to wis­hes and needs, and to find a low-risk com­pro­mi­se for ever­yo­ne. Nevert­hel­ess, we will try to ce­le­bra­te Christ­mas hap­pi­ly even un­der the­se con­di­ti­ons.  

The Ad­vent sea­son can be set in the right mood with tra­di­tio­nal litt­le things:  

You make fri­ends or fa­mi­ly mem­bers an Ad­vent ca­len­dar, de­co­ra­te the apart­ment and the house with fairy lights, spend evenings at the Ad­vent wreath, bake Christ­mas coo­kies, de­co­ra­te the Christ­mas tree, etc.   




Co­ro­na has shown us all that so many things in life that see­med im­portant to us end up be­ing se­con­da­ry. It taught us what re­al­ly mat­ters in life:  

Fa­mi­ly, fri­ends and he­alth!  

In this spi­rit, I wish you and your fa­mi­lies a Mer­ry Christ­mas and for the co­ming year 2021 he­alth, hap­pi­ness and much suc­cess!  


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