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First im­pres­si­ons from the theo­re­ti­cal pha­se of in­dus­tri­al engineering

My first theo­ry pha­se be­gan on No­vem­ber 27th, 2023 at the DHBW on the Bad Mer­gen­theim cam­pus. We, ever­yo­ne who be­longs to the Fa­cul­ty of Tech­no­lo­gy, star­ted with an in­tro­duc­to­ry event in Bad Mer­gen­theim Cast­le. Af­ter­wards, de­pen­ding on the cour­se, we first re­cei­ved a tour of the cam­pus and then a city tour. Af­ter all, ever­yo­ne who took the in­dus­tri­al en­gi­nee­ring cour­se re­cei­ved the first lec­tu­re in ma­the­ma­tics, which was, ho­we­ver, a litt­le more relaxed.

From the se­cond day on­wards, ever­y­day lec­tures star­ted as nor­mal and the pace gra­du­al­ly in­creased over time, espe­ci­al­ly in the tech­ni­cal sub­jects. In ge­ne­ral, it can be said that the lec­tures are held in a more di­rect and gui­ded man­ner (e.g. in school). Both the size of the cour­ses and the size of the lec­tu­re halls are more re­mi­nis­cent of school. For ex­am­p­le, my cour­se in­cludes 30 stu­dents, all of whom sit in a kind of “class­room”.

As I pro­gres­sed, I got to know my fel­low stu­dents bet­ter and get along very well with them, which makes ever­y­day life on cam­pus much more plea­sant. Ever­yo­ne was gi­ven the op­por­tu­ni­ty to in­te­gra­te quick­ly. Among other things, a “fres­hers par­ty” was al­re­a­dy or­ga­ni­zed for us, whe­re stu­dents from hig­her se­mes­ters also joi­n­ed us.

I have curr­ent­ly been in the theo­ry pha­se for th­ree weeks and am ex­ci­ted to see what the fu­ture has in store for us.

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