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Re­mo­de­ling in Weikersheim

Sin­ce the be­gin­ning of the year, the lo­ca­ti­on in Wei­kers­heim has been un­der­go­ing more ex­ten­si­ve re­mo­de­ling me­a­su­res, which pri­ma­ri­ly af­fect the an­gu­lar buil­ding on the ground flo­or and the cen­tral buil­ding on the top floor.

In the an­gu­lar buil­ding, both the mo­dern open-plan of­fice con­cept was im­ple­men­ted, which was al­re­a­dy used at the lo­ca­ti­ons in Co­lo­gne, Is­ma­ning and El­pers­heim, and an in­te­rim kit­chen was set up. In the fu­ture, the IM-Tools team will work in the open-plan of­fice. This team  was pre­vious­ly lo­ca­ted at the El­pers­heim site, which was clo­sed down about a month ago.

The mo­der­ni­sa­ti­on of the top flo­or has also been lar­ge­ly com­ple­ted. Here, the ol­der kit­chen was re­pla­ced with a new one, the can­teen area was com­ple­te­ly re­de­si­gned and the old walls were re­pla­ced with new walls. The­re are now also two think cells whe­re you can do your work undisturbed.

In the fu­ture, the other are­as in Wei­kers­heim will pro­ba­b­ly also be ad­apt­ed to the mo­dern of­fice style.

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