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Care­er in­for­ma­ti­on day Ro­then­burg ob der Tauber

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Last Fri­day, 19.04.2024, Ro­bin, a trai­nee in IT spe­cia­li­zing in ap­pli­ca­ti­on de­ve­lo­p­ment, our training ma­na­ger Kers­tin and me, a dual stu­dent of ap­pli­ed com­pu­ter sci­ence, vi­si­ted the career’s in­for­ma­ti­on day in Ro­then­burg ob der Tau­ber. At the fair or­ga­ni­zed by the town of Ro­then­burg ob der Tau­ber and the school-busi­ness working group, pu­pils had the op­por­tu­ni­ty to come into cont­act with over 100 po­ten­ti­al training com­pa­nies and find out about the va­rious training oc­cu­pa­ti­ons and cour­ses of study.

The wheel of for­tu­ne pro­ved to be a par­ti­cu­lar at­trac­tion for many vi­si­tors, as it not only pro­mi­sed fun, but also en­ti­ced vi­si­tors with ex­ci­ting pri­zes. Pu­pils in par­ti­cu­lar were drawn to it and found it a wel­co­me playful di­ver­si­on bet­ween the va­rious stands.

We had many good dis­cus­sions to­day and were able to ans­wer many ques­ti­ons from vi­si­tors about training or stu­dy­ing at TecAlliance. The app­ren­ti­ce­ships and de­gree pro­grams in the field of IT were par­ti­cu­lar­ly po­pu­lar. We are al­re­a­dy loo­king for­ward to wel­co­ming back some fa­mi­li­ar faces at one of our trai­nee work­shops or at the start of training in September.

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