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Se­mes­ter ab­road in Lithuania

Hey, my name is Ru­ben and I’ve been li­ving in Vil­ni­us for a good month and a half. I’m stu­dy­ing in­dus­tri­al en­gi­nee­ring at DHBW Mos­bach and thanks to TecAlliance I can spend a se­mes­ter ab­road in Lithuania.
Due to a snow­storm, the flight here was much lon­ger than ex­pec­ted, but I was still warm­ly wel­co­med at the air­port and was able to meet my men­tor right away.
Here at Vil­ni­us Ge­dimi­nas Tech­ni­cal Uni­ver­si­ty (VILNIUS TECH), every ex­ch­an­ge stu­dent has a men­tor who helps them get star­ted. The­re are a lot of events or­ga­nis­ed, so I of­ten go out with others ( par­ty­ing, on a trip of the Tra­kei, for a din­ner or just wal­king around Vil­ni­us), but I was also able to take the time to ex­plo­re Vil­ni­us by mys­elf. The­re is re­al­ly a lot to see, so you never get bo­red bes­i­des the uni­ver­si­ty life.
I’m al­re­a­dy loo­king for­ward to the next “last Sun­day of the month” be­cau­se then you can vi­sit many mu­se­ums for free and the last time (Vil­ni­us Mu­se­um of Il­lu­si­ons) was re­al­ly gre­at. I’m cu­rious to see what else awaits me.

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