Ro­ta­ti­on to Cologne

Sin­ce 6 Ja­nu­ary 2020 we (Chris and Flo) have been part of the Data Ma­na­ger Trade Team, which is lo­ca­ted at the Co­lo­gne site. In the be­gin­ning we were shown the lo­ca­ti­on and af­ter­wards we got an over­view of the team. Af­ter­wards our su­per­vi­sor gave us an in­sight into her ac­ti­vi­ties as a Qua­li­ty Assu­rance En­gi­neer. She ex­plai­ned to us which pro­grams she works with and what to pay at­ten­ti­on to.

Af­ter­wards we star­ted right away, we got our ac­cess data for Tec­Doc Ca­ta­lo­gue 3.0 and were al­lo­wed to start test­ing im­me­dia­te­ly, be­cau­se that is the main task of Qua­li­ty Assu­rance (QA). QA di­stin­gu­is­hes bet­ween ma­nu­al and au­to­ma­ted test­ing. First we deal with ma­nu­al test­ing be­fo­re mo­ving on to au­to­ma­ted test­ing la­ter. QA deals a lot with the test­ing of ap­pli­ca­ti­ons and pro­grams to find er­rors, the so-cal­led bugs. Tog­e­ther with other col­le­agues we dro­ve to the city cen­ter to the ca­the­dral on Wed­nes­day evening. Af­ter a short walk we found a nice litt­le re­stau­rant whe­re we fi­nis­hed the evening with some cock­tails. All in all, we got a good in­sight into the Co­lo­gne lo­ca­ti­on and QA so far and we are loo­king for­ward to our fur­ther time in Cologne.

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