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Good­bye glass wa­ter bottles!

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Sus­taina­bi­li­ty is a very pr­e­va­lent to­pic the­se days and peo­p­le are al­ways loo­king for ways to be­co­me more sus­tainable. TecAlliance is also ta­king part! 

At our com­pa­ny, free drinks in glass bot­t­les are available, espe­ci­al­ly wa­ter is con­su­med in lar­ge quan­ti­ties by many em­ployees. The­re are also se­ve­ral wa­ter dis­pen­sers with gas car­tridges available, but they are ra­re­ly used. By using glass bot­t­les, many emp­ty bot­t­les are crea­ted every day, which need to be trans­por­ted away. 

To coun­ter­act this pro­blem, in mid-April, every em­ployee was pro­vi­ded with a free per­so­na­li­zed and reusable glass bot­t­le. The­se bot­t­les can be fil­led with cold, still, or spar­k­ling drin­king wa­ter. Mee­ting rooms now also have bot­t­les for refilling.

This me­ans that lar­ge quan­ti­ties of wa­ter cra­tes no lon­ger need to be or­de­red, which are pro­du­ced and dis­po­sed of in an ela­bo­ra­te pro­cess, re­sul­ting in a lar­ge CO2 foot­print. Ad­di­tio­nal­ly, the tap wa­ter in Wei­kers­heim is of high qua­li­ty and can be pro­ces­sed ac­cor­ding to the em­ployees’ pre­fe­ren­ces th­rough the wa­ter dis­pen­sers. Mo­reo­ver, we are sa­ving trans­por­ta­ti­on cos­ts and the re­sul­ting emis­si­ons th­rough this action. 

Thus, a step towards more sus­taina­bi­li­ty is be­ing ta­ken at Weikersheim! 

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