You are currently viewing Pre­sen­ta­ti­on at Pre­dic­ti­ve Ana­ly­tics World – In­ter­view with Yannik

Pre­sen­ta­ti­on at Pre­dic­ti­ve Ana­ly­tics World – In­ter­view with Yannik

On 11 and 12 May 2020, the Pre­dic­ti­ve Ana­ly­tics World Con­fe­rence took place in Mu­nich – in di­gi­tal form.
Yan­nik, one of our stu­dents, tog­e­ther with his su­per­vi­sor Bar­to­sch, had the op­por­tu­ni­ty to tell about his experiences.

I was able to have a litt­le talk with Yan­nik about the con­fe­rence, the pre­sen­ta­ti­on and the theo­ry be­hind it. What Yan­nik had to tell me, and how the cur­rent si­tua­ti­on af­fec­ted the con­fe­rence, you can lis­ten to in the player.


0:00 – What is the PAW?
0:49 – What did we do the­re and how did it go?
1:29 – Why so few participants?
2:28 – What was the pro­ject work about?
3:42 – What is as­so­cia­ti­on analysis?
5:07 – Other to­pics of the conference
5:54 – What do you need for Pre­dic­ti­ve Analytics?
6:09 – Con­clu­ding words

Un­fort­u­na­te­ly the au­dio is only available in German.
An eng­lish sum­ma­ry follows.

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