That was fas­ter than expected

It has now been al­most two months sin­ce I left the IHK buil­ding in Heil­bronn, the note in my hand that my training has been passed.

But be­fo­re that, I had to get the­re, be­cau­se I had my first exam on that day.
Ho­we­ver, this came with the ad­van­ta­ge that I had all the time in the world to set up and prepa­re mys­elf in the exam room. Espe­ci­al­ly in the­se times, the dis­in­fec­tion could not come up short.

The pre­sen­ta­ti­on was then also just one of many, the ques­ti­ons from the ex­ami­ners had also been he­ard so­me­whe­re be­fo­re, and then I was stan­ding in the hall­way, and my training pe­ri­od was over. I made my way home, kno­wing full well that the next day would be my first as an em­ployee of TecAlliance.

It all hap­pen­ed very quick­ly. When I think that a year ear­lier I had only just ar­ri­ved in the se­cond year of my app­ren­ti­ce­ship, and now I’m “fi­nis­hed,” I won­der whe­re all the time went.

In the me­an­ti­me, re­sults and cer­ti­fi­ca­tes have also ar­ri­ved, which me­ans that the training is now complete.

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