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NOS Work­shop in Munich

From 31.07. to 03.08. I at­ten­ded a work­shop in Is­ma­ning. The to­pic was the new on­line store of TecAlliance. We dis­cus­sed the mi­gra­ti­on of users from the old to the new store. On the last day, we tal­ked a lot about fu­ture de­ve­lo­p­ments of the on­line store. This was also par­ti­cu­lar­ly in­te­res­t­ing for me, as I am curr­ent­ly wri­ting my pro­ject work on one of the to­pics dis­cus­sed the­re. Over­all, it was a gre­at ex­pe­ri­ence and I am gra­teful for the op­por­tu­ni­ty to get the­se insights. 

I was able to gain many new im­pres­si­ons and had a lot of fun with my team­ma­tes. In the evening we had din­ner tog­e­ther and on Wed­nes­day we ce­le­bra­ted the go-live of the store with se­ve­ral rounds of beer pong – My Team­ma­te and I won of course ;). 

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