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The path to be­co­ming a training ambassador

On No­vem­ber 9th, a training cour­se to be­co­me a training am­bassa­dor took place in which we, Lars, René and Fe­lix, suc­cessful­ly par­ti­ci­pa­ted in or­der to bet­ter pre­sent our training pro­fes­si­on to fu­ture school gra­dua­tes. For this pur­po­se we met at 9 a.m. in the Mit­tel­stands­zen­trum Tau­ber­fran­ken with other trai­nees from dif­fe­rent com­pa­nies in the area.

Va­rious to­pics were dis­cus­sed un­der the di­rec­tion of Mr. Ehr­hardt. At the be­gin­ning the­re was a small in­tro­duc­tion round, in which the pro­fes­si­ons of the others had to be gues­sed. Thereu­pon we were in­tro­du­ced to the role of the training am­bassa­dor. The Training Am­bassa­dor is a trai­nee from a re­gu­la­ted pro­fes­si­on who pres­ents his pro­fes­si­on in school clas­ses and pro­mo­tes vo­ca­tio­nal training. Usual­ly the­se come from the se­cond or third year of app­ren­ti­ce­ship, sin­ce suf­fi­ci­ent pro­fes­sio­nal ex­pe­ri­ence could be gai­ned un­til then. This me­ans that training am­bassa­dors can pro­vi­de stu­dents with com­pre­hen­si­ve in­for­ma­ti­on about the cour­se of their own training, care­er pro­s­pects and the ap­pli­ca­ti­on pro­cess they have experienced.

Af­ter­wards ever­yo­ne should pre­sent what edu­ca­ti­on me­ans to them. In ad­di­ti­on ever­yo­ne re­cei­ved th­ree litt­le cards to hold on to the core terms, so that the­se can be dis­cus­sed in the lar­ge round afterwards.

Then we tal­ked about slide de­sign, body lan­guage and pre­sen­ta­ti­on style. Af­ter the lunch break, test pre­sen­ta­ti­ons were held in which we were able to ap­p­ly the tips and tricks we had lear­ned and re­cei­ved di­rect feed­back be­fo­re we were re­leased into the weekend.

We are loo­king for­ward to the fu­ture tasks and ac­ti­vi­ties that we will re­cei­ve in or­der to pre­sent a po­si­ti­ve image of our edu­ca­ti­on to the students.

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