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Wo­men in Tech Con­fe­rence – Stuttgart

Our for­mer trai­nees Ay­ten Pa­muk (Pro­ject En­gi­neer), Han­na Schev­chen­ko (Data En­gi­neer) and Re­bek­ka Rank (Busi­ness Ana­lyst at CARUSO) tog­e­ther with her CARUSO col­le­ague Scha­perai Kur­piers (Full­stack De­ve­lo­per) were pre­sent at the Wo­men of Tech Con­fe­rence this past 14 – 15 of June at the Are­na 2036 and the Bosch IT-Cam­pus in Stuttgart.

In Ger­ma­ny, the pro­por­ti­on of wo­men in di­gi­tal pro­fes­si­ons is only 17 per­cent, pla­cing us among the lo­west in com­pa­ri­son to other Eu­ro­pean count­ries . This is an alar­ming num­ber and the si­tua­ti­on is not much bet­ter in the field of en­gi­nee­ring. Ho­we­ver, to main­tain and enhan­ce in­no­va­ti­on in our eco­no­my, we need not only more skil­led pro­fes­sio­nals but also more di­ver­si­ty and col­la­bo­ra­ti­on among busi­ness, sci­ence, and society. 

The Wo­men of Tech Con­fe­rence was held for the first time this year and is an event de­di­ca­ted to em­power wo­men in the tech in­dus­try. It brings tog­e­ther a di­ver­se group of pro­fes­sio­nals, in­dus­try lea­ders, and en­thu­si­asts who are pas­sio­na­te about dri­ving po­si­ti­ve ch­an­ge and gen­der equa­li­ty in the world of tech­no­lo­gy.  The event is or­ga­ni­zed joint­ly by the fol­lo­wing com­pa­nies and as­so­cia­ti­ons: #She­Trans­form­sIT, Uni­ver­si­ty of Stutt­gart, Fraun­ho­fer IAO, Bosch. 

The­re were mul­ti­ple key­notes, pa­nels and key­note spee­ches, in­sights into the tech world of work, an ex­ch­an­ge and dis­cus­sion with lea­ding wo­men in IT and tech com­pa­nies, work­shops on lea­der­ship, care­er and net­work buil­ding, net­wor­king op­por­tu­ni­ties for stu­dents and young pro­fes­sio­nals with companies. 

We were very hap­py that our col­le­agues could in­spi­re, con­nect and net­work with many other wo­men in tech out there .

You can find more de­tails about the event here:

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