Hi all, my name is Deborah. I just finished the last theoretical semester of my studies as a prospective industrial engineer in June. There was no time for boredom with more lectures than ever. I learned a lot about Entrepreneurship, International Business, Controlling, Technical Purchasing, Technical Sales and other topics. Several papers and presentations which had to be prepared individually or in groups kept us busy in addition to the exams.
Now I look back at the last two and a half years, in which I have experienced a lot, with a smile and a tear in my eye. We also experienced a lot as a group in addition to the lecture content, such as nights out in Würzburg, a week in Finland as part of the STEP-program, four months in Australia during the semester abroad, a trip to Prague before Christmas, days out at the Cannstatter Wasen and most recently a vacation on a Spanish Island. In these 18 months I spent at the DHBW during my studies, I grew close to some of my fellow students and made some new friends.
I´m back at the company in Weikersheim right now, where I´ll be writing by Bachelor´s thesis in the next few weeks to complete my studies.