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Last theo­re­ti­cal se­mes­ter at the DHBW

Hi all, my name is De­bo­rah. I just fi­nis­hed the last theo­re­ti­cal se­mes­ter of my stu­dies as a pro­s­pec­ti­ve in­dus­tri­al en­gi­neer in June. The­re was no time for bo­re­dom with more lec­tures than ever. I lear­ned a lot about En­tre­pre­neur­ship, In­ter­na­tio­nal Busi­ness, Con­trol­ling, Tech­ni­cal Purcha­sing, Tech­ni­cal Sa­les and other to­pics. Se­ve­ral pa­pers and pre­sen­ta­ti­ons which had to be pre­pared in­di­vi­du­al­ly or in groups kept us busy in ad­di­ti­on to the exams. 

Now I look back at the last two and a half ye­ars, in which I have ex­pe­ri­en­ced a lot, with a smi­le and a tear in my eye. We also ex­pe­ri­en­ced a lot as a group in ad­di­ti­on to the lec­tu­re con­tent, such as nights out in Würz­burg, a week in Fin­land as part of the STEP-pro­gram, four months in Aus­tra­lia du­ring the se­mes­ter ab­road, a trip to Pra­gue be­fo­re Christ­mas, days out at the Cannstat­ter Wa­sen and most re­cent­ly a va­ca­ti­on on a Spa­nish Is­land. In the­se 18 months I spent at the DHBW du­ring my stu­dies, I grew clo­se to some of my fel­low stu­dents and made some new friends. 

I´m back at the com­pa­ny in Wei­kers­heim right now, whe­re I´ll be wri­ting by Bachelor´s the­sis in the next few weeks to com­ple­te my studies. 

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