You are currently viewing Se­cond theo­re­ti­cal se­mes­ter at the <span class="caps">DHBW</span>
DHBW Campus Bad Mergentheim - Schloss 10 (Duale Hochschule)

Se­cond theo­re­ti­cal se­mes­ter at the DHBW

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From the be­gin­ning of April to the end of June this year, I com­ple­ted my se­cond theo­re­ti­cal se­mes­ter at DHBW in Bad Mergentheim.

First and fo­re­most, I was ex­ci­ted to see my fel­low stu­dents again. They had re­tur­ned to their re­spec­ti­ve com­pa­nies in va­rious di­rec­tions du­ring the last prac­ti­cal se­mes­ter and came back to DHBW in Bad Mer­gen­theim for this theo­re­ti­cal phase.

The th­ree-month theo­re­ti­cal se­mes­ter brought new chal­lenges. This time, the lec­tu­re sche­du­le was so­me­what less fa­vorable in terms of the or­der of the in­di­vi­du­al mo­du­les. We fi­nis­hed one sub­ject re­la­tively ear­ly, while an­o­ther was com­ple­ted just be­fo­re the exam pe­ri­od, which re­sul­ted in us ha­ving al­most only one sub­ject on the lec­tu­re sche­du­le for the last th­ree weeks.

Nevert­hel­ess, I had a good time, as the­re is ge­ne­ral­ly al­ways a very re­la­xed at­mo­sphe­re in my cour­se. This is also part­ly be­cau­se the lec­tu­r­ers con­vey the con­tent in a very prac­ti­cal man­ner and al­ways take the time to ans­wer our ques­ti­ons, which can lead to fun­ny mo­ments here and there.

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