On Wednesday, September 16, we, the trainees from the first year of apprenticeship, had the chance to meet the CEO of TecAlliance, Jürgen Buchert, and ask him all our questions. Despite the Corona pandemic and his busy schedule, he took the time to travel from Munich to Weikersheim to introduce himself to us personally.
It was interesting to find out how his career progressed. You could see how important the “we-feeling” and the cohesion among the employees is to him. The TecAlliance embodies this through the “OneTeam” company value.
The next point he explained to us was the market position of the TecAlliance. He used a picture to illustrate the work of the company: the customers, sustainability, the use of the products and of course the vision – a coherent picture emerged.
When Jürgen finished his presentation, we used the opportunity to ask him lots of questions. One by one he answered and we got answers about the strategy of the TecAlliance, about the locations and about his tasks.
Nobody could imagine such a meeting with the CEO!
Through Jürgen Buchert’s presentation we learned a lot of new things that will accompany us on our way through our training or studies.