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Fu­ture Al­li­ance – Our future

On Wed­nes­day, Sep­tem­ber 16, we, the trai­nees from the first year of app­ren­ti­ce­ship, had the chan­ce to meet the CEO of TecAlliance, Jür­gen Buchert, and ask him all our ques­ti­ons.  De­spi­te the Co­ro­na pan­de­mic and his busy sche­du­le, he took the time to tra­vel from Mu­nich to Wei­kers­heim to in­tro­du­ce hims­elf to us personally.

It was in­te­res­t­ing to find out how his care­er pro­gres­sed. You could see how im­portant the “we-fee­ling” and the co­he­si­on among the em­ployees is to him. The TecAlliance em­bo­dies this th­rough the “One­Team” com­pa­ny value.

The next point he ex­plai­ned to us was the mar­ket po­si­ti­on of the TecAlliance. He used a pic­tu­re to il­lus­tra­te the work of the com­pa­ny: the cus­to­mers, sus­taina­bi­li­ty, the use of the pro­ducts and of cour­se the vi­si­on – a co­her­ent pic­tu­re emerged.

When Jür­gen fi­nis­hed his pre­sen­ta­ti­on, we used the op­por­tu­ni­ty to ask him lots of ques­ti­ons. One by one he ans­we­red and we got ans­wers about the stra­tegy of the TecAlliance, about the lo­ca­ti­ons and about his tasks.
No­bo­dy could ima­gi­ne such a mee­ting with the CEO!
Th­rough Jür­gen Buchert’s pre­sen­ta­ti­on we lear­ned a lot of new things that will ac­com­pa­ny us on our way th­rough our training or studies.

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