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Trai­nee Trip 2020

Fi­nal­ly, the new training year had be­gun and so our trai­nee trip took place again.
This year the trai­nee trip took place in Weikersheim/Elpersheim due to the cur­rent situation.
At 08:30 o’­clock we all met at the lo­ca­ti­on in Wei­kers­heim. The­re we star­ted with a bin­go, whe­re we had to find a per­son who would ful­fill state­ments such as “A per­son who does­n’t like cho­co­la­te”. This led to us tal­king to the other trai­nees and stu­dents and get­ting to know them a litt­le better.

Af­ter bin­go we were di­vi­ded into teams of five or six peo­p­le and wal­ked tog­e­ther to the cen­ter of Wei­kers­heim. When we ar­ri­ved in the cast­le park of Wei­kers­heim, the first team game star­ted – a city ral­ly. We were gi­ven 30 pic­tures and had one hour to find the places de­pic­ted and take a pic­tu­re of them. This not only pro­mo­ted the team spi­rit, but also gave us the op­por­tu­ni­ty to get to know the city of Weikersheim.

Af­ter the city ral­ly we hik­ed to our lo­ca­ti­on in El­pers­heim to have a lunch break. Then we con­tin­ued with more team games, in­clu­ding a me­mo­ry game whe­re we had to re­mem­ber the or­der of pa­per pla­tes mark­ed with num­bers from 1 to 30 and then reve­al them in the cor­rect or­der. The other team game was soccer.

Af­ter­wards we went back to our lo­ca­ti­on in Weikersheim.
The­re we play­ed an on­line es­cape game whe­re we tried to sol­ve a mur­der case.
Af­ter­wards we fi­nis­hed the evening com­for­ta­b­ly and had the award ce­rem­o­ny of the best th­ree teams and bar­be­cue together.

The trai­nee trip was again very suc­cessful this year and we all had a lot of fun together.
Even if it will take a while, we are al­re­a­dy loo­king for­ward to the next trai­nee trip.

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