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Trai­nees-Of­fice 2021/22

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Af­ter the Start on 01.09.2021 and the On­boar­ding, some of the new trai­nees and stu­dents went to the Trai­nees-Of­fice for the time when the­re was no university/vocational school.

As the name sug­gests, the goal of the Trai­nees-Of­fice was to learn new things and to get star­ted in the IT area. We lear­ned the ba­sics of dif­fe­rent pro­gramming lan­guages, had our first tou­ch­es with ba­ckend, front­end and APIs, and lear­ned a lot about databases.

We gai­ned a lot of prac­ti­cal ex­pe­ri­ence with small and lar­ger tasks and crea­ted our first mas­ter­pie­ces. For ex­am­p­le, we pro­grammed a ping-pong. Fi­nal­ly, we went th­rough a com­ple­te pro­ject from start to fi­nish, it was a func­tion­al car­poo­ling app. In the pro­cess, we lear­ned a lot of new things about pro­gramming and sol­ving obs­ta­cles and pro­blems, as well as the work­flow of agi­le working.

Me­an­while, the at­mo­sphe­re was al­ways po­si­ti­ve and very re­la­xed de­spi­te the work. We chat­ted with the other trainees/students and the trai­ners, who were al­ways fri­end­ly and hel­pful. In ad­di­ti­on, the trai­ners told us about their dai­ly work rou­ti­ne and gave us ex­ci­ting in­sights, e.g. in the are­as of se­cu­ri­ty and Re­se­arch & Innovation.

Un­fort­u­na­te­ly, our time tog­e­ther in the Trai­nees-Of­fice is now co­ming to an end. But we can fi­nal­ly join the teams to con­tri­bu­te and work the­re with the know­ledge we have gained.

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