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Mo­ti­va­ti­on is the key

We have been working in the home of­fice for se­ve­ral weeks now. What is a dream for one per­son, is dif­fi­cult to bear for an­o­ther. The spa­ti­al di­stance to the ha­bi­tat and to the fa­mi­ly is miss­ing or one starts to get too com­for­ta­ble. The­r­e­fo­re, we have thought a litt­le bit about what you can do to make your home of­fice and work as plea­sant and pro­duc­ti­ve as pos­si­ble, or even the time be­fo­re or af­ter work.

#1 main­tain ri­tu­als
When you go to work, do you usual­ly show­er and have break­fast and dress ap­pro­pria­te­ly for the of­fice? Then keep do­ing that. Sweat­pants may be com­for­ta­ble, but tha­t’s exact­ly what sweat­pants are all about – com­fort. And you don’t want to fall as­leep in the midd­le of a meeting.

#2 take breaks, get some fresh air
Espe­ci­al­ly be­cau­se the of­fice at­mo­sphe­re is miss­ing, peo­p­le tend to sit in front of the com­pu­ter. But short walks and fresh air are im­portant. They are also sui­ta­ble for ai­ring out. On the way, you could make yours­elf a cup of cof­fee or tea, for example.

#3 you are what you eat
The can­teen is no lon­ger ne­ces­sa­ry, you are now re­spon­si­ble for pre­pa­ring your own food. What many peo­p­le as­so­cia­te with ef­fort and ex­tra work can also be a bles­sing. How of­ten have you seen re­cipes and thought “I’d like to try that too” and then it just stay­ed with the thought. Now the time has fi­nal­ly come to try it out. What you save in tra­vel time can now be put into the pre­pa­ra­ti­on of food. And re­hea­ted food so­me­ti­mes even tas­tes bet­ter than fresh. Of cour­se the re­a­dy meal is a good choice, but ho­me­ma­de is still the best!

What the food is all about, you can ex­pect a few tips from us, both here in our blog and on our In­sta­gram chan­nel. Look for­ward to Din­ner for OneTeam!

#4 time for new things
As al­re­a­dy men­tio­ned at din­ner, it is now more than ever pos­si­ble to try out new things. Yoga? It’s sup­po­sed to be re­la­xing, give it a try. Weight training? You don’t need to go to the gym any­way, and the­re are no gaw­pers at home, but you can get the mu­sic you want. Grand­ma al­ways knit­ted the war­mest socks? Learn to knit and do it like her. Time to be creative!

#5 do sports
Mo­ve­ment is im­portant, cle­ar­ly. Espe­ci­al­ly for us in Wei­kers­heim and the sur­roun­ding area, it is very easy to get to the coun­try­si­de quick­ly and choo­se rou­tes whe­re you don’t meet too many peo­p­le. If you have si­mi­lar op­por­tu­ni­ties, then use them. It does­n’t mat­ter whe­ther it’s the fas­ter jog­ging or just a short walk.

#6 keep on track
As you can read in the other tips, a lot is about be­ing self-di­sci­pli­ned and not lapsing into com­pla­cen­cy. But it also me­ans kee­ping your work­place tidy. If you do that, the­re are bound to be a few cup­boards that you could clean out. Or it might bring a breath of fresh air into the apart­ment when the fur­ni­tu­re is re­ar­ran­ged. Wha­te­ver you’­re up to, wri­te it down and keep a to-do list. That way, you can keep track of what you’­re up to and what you’­ve al­re­a­dy done.

We’­ve also pos­ted a high­light vi­deo on our In­sta­gram chan­nel, whe­re you can re­li­ve our tips in mo­ving pic­tures and with back­ground music.

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