My time in CCS IT OPS

When I star­ted at IT OPS al­most 4 weeks ago, I did­n’t know what to ex­pect. The­re was only one thing I ex­pec­ted: I would have to give pre­sen­ta­ti­ons. Sin­ce I had al­re­a­dy lis­ten­ed to some trai­nee pre­sen­ta­ti­ons be­fo­re, it was clear to me that it had to be a to­pic from IT. Nevert­hel­ess, I did­n’t re­al­ly have an idea about which to­pic I should hold. Ho­we­ver, the de­cis­i­on was made for me re­la­tively quick­ly. One of my first tasks was to wri­te a Power­shell script to clear the cache of teams. And that’s exact­ly what I was al­lo­wed to pre­sent first.

In ad­di­ti­on to the pre­sen­ta­ti­ons, the­re was also a pro­gramming task, na­me­ly the in­te­gra­ti­on of a DELL API into an exis­ting ap­pli­ca­ti­on. This is nee­ded, for ex­am­p­le, to query ser­vice data from the work lap­tops via ser­vice­tag. I found the task very ex­ci­ting, be­cau­se I had never in­te­gra­ted an API be­fo­re and could try out so­me­thing new.

Par­al­lel to the pro­gramming task, I then had to crea­te a new pre­sen­ta­ti­on for the se­cond week, this time on Win­dows 11, and how it dif­fers from Win­dows 10. For the de­mons­tra­ti­on, a vir­tu­al ma­chi­ne was set up via Hyper‑V, and Win­dows 11 was in­stal­led the­re, for testing.

For the third pre­sen­ta­ti­on, I also got a very in­te­res­t­ing to­pic, na­me­ly Star­link, Elon Musk’s sa­tel­li­te In­ter­net, which is sup­po­sed to of­fer world­wi­de In­ter­net ac­cess in a few ye­ars. Here, the re­se­arch was also re­al­ly in­te­res­t­ing, and I was able to find out many fa­sci­na­ting details.

My last pre­sen­ta­ti­on will be about Goog­le Chro­me OS. Here I will have to do some re­se­arch, e.g. sys­tem re­qui­re­ments or similar.

In sum­ma­ry, I can say that the 4 weeks in OPS went by much fas­ter than I thought. I lear­ned a lot of new things and will im­ple­ment all the feed­back I re­cei­ved the­re in the next BUs.

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