You are currently viewing Zu­kunft Kar­rie­re – Edu­ca­ti­on fair in Bad Mergentheim

Zu­kunft Kar­rie­re – Edu­ca­ti­on fair in Bad Mergentheim

To­day, Mar­cel­lo, Till – one of our trai­ners – and I at­ten­ded an edu­ca­ti­on fair in Bad Mer­gen­theim. The fair was hos­ted by the Frän­ki­sche Nach­rich­ten – a lo­cal news­pa­per pro­vi­der. Stu­dents had the op­por­tu­ni­ty to talk to more than 50 po­ten­ti­al part­ner com­pa­nies for an app­ren­ti­ce­ship or a dual stu­dy program. 

Bes­i­des con­ver­sa­ti­ons di­rect­ly at our stand, this time the­re was a new high­light in the pro­gram whe­re we from TecAlliance were pre­sent: a foot­ball ta­ble. The­re, vi­si­tors were able to get to know their new em­ploy­er bet­ter in a re­la­xed atmosphere. 

We had many good con­ver­sa­ti­ons to­day and were able to ans­wer many of our vi­si­tors´ ques­ti­ons about training or stu­dy­ing at TecAlliance. We are al­re­a­dy loo­king for­ward to wel­co­me some fa­mi­li­ar faces again to one of our in­tern­ship work­shops or when the training starts in September. 

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