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Shape your fu­ture, start your care­er – TecAlliance at Zu­kunft Kar­rie­re Digital

Your school days are slow­ly co­ming to an end and you want to get started?

May­be our con­tri­bu­ti­ons have al­re­a­dy made you want to get a job at TecAlliance and you would like to be­co­me part of our team. Then the­re is an­o­ther op­por­tu­ni­ty now.
On Fri­day, No­vem­ber 6th, the di­gi­tal fair “Zu­kunft Kar­rie­re” will take place. Un­li­ke other fairs, not only com­pa­nies pre­sent them­sel­ves to the vi­si­tors, but the vi­si­tors also pre­sent them­sel­ves to the com­pa­nies. As a kind of da­ting plat­form, the “Zu­kunft Kar­rie­re” is a chan­ce for both si­des to re­cei­ve sui­ta­ble and in­te­res­t­ing of­fers. Be the­re and let our trai­ners tell you more about the TecAlliance, training and stu­dies.
What do you need to do?

1. go to
2. click on “REGISTER NOW
3. crea­te a pro­fi­le here, with which you can de­scri­be yours­elf
4. be on Fri­day 6 No­vem­ber bet­ween 11 and 17 o’­clock on the web­site
5. start the Matching­mo­de and like com­pa­nies you find in­te­res­t­ing, such as the TecAlliance

If a com­pa­ny also links you, you can stay in touch and ex­ch­an­ge in­for­ma­ti­on via a chat and vi­deo-date. That way you are one step clo­ser to your job.
And if you don’t find what you’­re loo­king for, you still have the chan­ce to win an iPho­ne 12.
What are you wai­ting for? Re­gis­ter now and be the­re on Friday!

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