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Trip to the training fair in Möckmühl

On Sa­tur­day, Jo­han­nes and I, tog­e­ther with our training ma­na­ger Kers­tin, took part in the training fair, which was or­ga­ni­zed by the Jags­tal school as­so­cia­ti­on in Möck­mühl. The fair at­trac­ted a lar­ge num­ber of com­pa­nies from a wide ran­ge of in­dus­tries, which of­fe­red both training po­si­ti­ons and stu­dy places.

We set off ear­ly in the mor­ning, full of an­ti­ci­pa­ti­on of the op­por­tu­ni­ties that awai­ted us at the trade fair. The Jags­tal school as­so­cia­ti­on had done a gre­at job and brought tog­e­ther num­e­rous com­pa­nies that ope­ned their doors to fu­ture trai­nees and stu­dents. From crafts to tech­no­lo­gy to ser­vices – the va­rie­ty of per­spec­ti­ves on of­fer was impressive.

Our goal was to in­form as many young stu­dents as pos­si­ble about po­ten­ti­al training and stu­dy places, and to make new cont­acts and pos­si­bly win fu­ture col­le­agues. The day was cha­rac­te­ri­zed by ex­ci­ting con­ver­sa­ti­ons and in­for­ma­ti­ve in­sights into va­rious pro­fes­sio­nal fields. We hope to be able to wel­co­me some of the trade fair par­ti­ci­pan­ts to the TecAlliance in September.

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