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Ro­ta­ti­on to Munich

Hel­lo everyone,

Mar­cel­lo and I had a ro­ta­ti­on to Mu­nich from 22.01.2024 to 23.02.2024. When we ar­ri­ved in Mu­nich, we were first gi­ven a tour of the com­pa­ny buil­ding by our spe­cia­list trai­ner. We were then gi­ven a brie­fing on how to set up a new lap­top. An­o­ther im­portant task was to check and cor­rect the in­ven­to­ry in Mu­nich, as the stock le­vels did not match the data in the system.

Af­ter com­ple­ting the in­ven­to­ry, we were ent­rus­ted with the au­to­ma­ti­on of pro­ces­ses. We were able to au­to­ma­te va­rious pro­ces­ses and mo­di­fy and op­ti­mi­se exis­ting au­to­ma­ti­on sys­tems. The­se me­a­su­res led to more ef­fi­ci­ent and fu­ture-pro­of processes.

At CCS-IT, we also had the op­por­tu­ni­ty to pro­vi­de first-le­vel sup­port. Em­ployees came to us every day with hard­ware or soft­ware pro­blems. In the be­gin­ning, we still nee­ded the sup­port of our trai­ner, but af­ter a few days he ent­rus­ted us with first-le­vel sup­port and con­firm­ed that we could do this task conscientiously.

To sum­ma­ri­se, we are very hap­py that we have the op­por­tu­ni­ty to vi­sit other lo­ca­ti­ons and get to know the lo­cal peo­p­le as part of the TecAlliance.

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