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Trai­nee-Of­fice 2023

The gre­at time in the Trai­nee-Of­fice 2023 is co­ming to an end.

Af­ter start­ing in Sep­tem­ber, we trai­nees and stu­dents are spen­ding time in the Trai­nee-Of­fice. We had the op­por­tu­ni­ty to learn a lot of new things the­re. In par­ti­cu­lar, we have been working with va­rious pro­gramming lan­guages, such as C#, Py­thon and Ja­va­Script. Many other to­pics such as HTML, CSS, SQL and net­work to­pics were also in­cluded as well.

We tes­ted our skills on many ex­ci­ting tasks and pro­jects and wro­te our first own pro­grams. For ex­am­p­le, we si­mu­la­ted an aqua­ri­um in which dif­fe­rent fish swim and in­ter­act with each other. We also crea­ted the an­nu­al high­light – an app for car­poo­ling, with which you can of­fer and search for ri­des. We not only lear­ned a lot about pro­gramming and pro­blem sol­ving, but also about teamwork.

The at­mo­sphe­re in the Trai­nee-Of­fice was al­ways gre­at and we were able to ex­ch­an­ge ide­as with other trai­nees and stu­dents. The trai­ners were al­ways fri­end­ly and hel­pful and taught us a lot. They also told us about their ex­ci­ting ex­pe­ri­en­ces and pro­jects in the va­rious de­part­ments, e.g. in the are­as of ma­chi­ne lear­ning and cy­ber security.

We are thril­led with how much we have lear­ned and are al­re­a­dy loo­king for­ward to the next steps and the chal­lenges that await us in our ro­ta­ti­ons in dif­fe­rent teams.

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