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Sum­mer fee­ling in De­cem­ber: Our ro­ta­ti­on to Vietnam

At the end of the year the­re was wi­t­hout ques­ti­on one of the high­lights of our stu­dies: Lu­kas, Mona and I had the op­por­tu­ni­ty to spend our prac­ti­cal pha­se at our branch in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.

Right at the be­gin­ning we were able to ex­pe­ri­ence the au­then­tic cul­tu­re with ty­pi­cal Viet­na­me­se cus­toms at the ope­ning of the new of­fice and were able to talk to our colleagues.

The th­ree weeks in Viet­nam were not only cha­rac­te­ri­zed by in­ten­si­ve work, du­ring which we were able to ap­p­ly and deepen the know­ledge ac­qui­red in the pre­vious theo­re­ti­cal pha­ses in prac­ti­ce. We also had the op­por­tu­ni­ty to ex­plo­re the city with our lo­cal col­le­agues or play a game of foot­ball in the evening. We also used the free time to vi­sit im­portant sights such as the In­de­pen­dence Pa­lace or the Me­kong Del­ta and thus get to know the lo­cal histo­ry and cul­tu­re in depth.

We would like to thank Hen­ry and the ImA­gI­ne team once again for the col­la­bo­ra­ti­on and the unfor­gettable time. We app­re­cia­te the op­por­tu­ni­ty to have work­ed in a dy­na­mic and in­ter­na­tio­nal en­vi­ron­ment and look for­ward to using the know­ledge we have ac­qui­red and the im­pres­si­ons in our fu­ture careers.

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