Ba­sic Di­gi­tal Day

Hel­lo everybody,

I am Vic­to­ria and on Fri­day I par­ti­ci­pa­ted in the Po­pup Lab Work­shop “Ba­sic Di­gi­tal Day”. The Po­pup Lab shows me­di­um-si­zed com­pa­nies in times of di­gi­ta­liza­ti­on how to de­ve­lop in­no­va­ti­ve ide­as and suc­cessful busi­ness mo­dels. The work­shop “Ba­sic Di­gi­tal Day” was di­vi­ded into two pha­ses. The first part “Data pro­tec­tion to go” dealt with why data pro­tec­tion is nee­ded and how com­pa­nies have to deal with it. We were shown how to crea­te a web­site in com­pli­ance with DSGVO and what to look out for.

The se­cond part was about social media and how a com­pa­ny can use it, e.g. to ad­ver­ti­se their own pro­ducts or as a me­ans to get new po­ten­ti­al em­ployees. Here we ana­ly­zed the four ma­jor social media plat­forms for com­pa­nies, which in­clude Face­book, In­sta­gram, Lin­ke­din and Xing. We lear­ned what kind of posts are best re­cei­ved on which plat­form (text, image, vi­deo) and at what times it is best to post so that you reach as many peo­p­le as possible.

I re­al­ly en­joy­ed the work­shop and lear­ned a lot of new things. As I am part of the Social Media Team, I will de­fi­ni­te­ly be able to use my new­ly ac­qui­red know­ledge for the Trai­nee Blog soon.

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