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Our first weeks at the DHBW

On the first of Oc­to­ber, the time had fi­nal­ly come. For us two busi­ness stu­dents, the ex­ci­ting ever­y­day life at uni­ver­si­ty be­gan. The­re was a lot to ex­pe­ri­ence and dis­co­ver. In the fol­lo­wing li­nes we both, Ma­rie and An­dre­as, want to take you on our jour­ney.  

On 04.10.2022 we star­ted with a wel­co­me from the cam­pus di­rec­tor Dr. Kim and the ma­yor of the city of Bad Mer­gen­theim in the red hall in the cast­le of Bad Mer­gen­theim. Af­ter the wel­co­me we were in­tro­du­ced to the uni­ver­si­ty and the city in our stu­dy pro­grams. In the evening, we went to a par­ty of the third se­mes­ter stu­dents and were able to make first cont­acts with fel­low stu­dents.  

In the fol­lo­wing days, the first lec­tures star­ted for us dual stu­dents. Un­li­ke the “nor­mal” uni­ver­si­ties, which take more time for the in­tro­duc­tion. This is espe­ci­al­ly due to the fact that we dual stu­dents have a tight sche­du­le. 

For the stu­dents of the “In­ter­na­tio­nal Busi­ness” pro­gram, the first week of lec­tures be­gan with lec­tures on the to­pic of sci­en­ti­fic work, be­fo­re things got un­der­way towards the end of the week with busi­ness stu­dies, in­ter­cul­tu­ral ma­nage­ment and eco­no­mics. Some of the stu­dents al­re­a­dy had lec­tures in Busi­ness Com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on, while the peo­p­le who have the sub­ject in Spa­nish still have to wait for their lec­tures. We were also able to en­joy our first lec­tures in for­eign lan­guages in VWL/Economics. In all lec­tures, the pro­fes­sors were very nice, hel­pful and the­re was a po­si­ti­ve lear­ning at­mo­sphe­re in the cour­se. What we par­ti­cu­lar­ly lik­ed was the fact that we were also al­lo­wed to do things our­sel­ves in the lec­tures.  

Alt­hough we star­ted right away, we also found time to get to know the other stu­dents in our cour­se as well as the other stu­dy pro­grams at the fresh­man par­ty. Ther­eby it be­ca­me clear to us that we have to or­ga­ni­ze our time in Mer­gen­theim our­sel­ves if we want to have the fun like in big ci­ties. Abo­ve all, this made it clear that we de­pend on each other.  

In the “Di­gi­tal Busi­ness Ma­nage­ment” cour­se, the first week be­gan with th­ree lec­tures in busi­ness ad­mi­nis­tra­ti­on and di­gi­tal va­lue crea­ti­on at the Mit­tel­stands­zen­trum. We quick­ly no­ti­ced that we are a so­me­what unu­su­al cour­se: Our cour­se con­sists of only 11 peo­p­le, ho­we­ver, we see ra­ther ad­van­ta­ges in this. In the fol­lo­wing week, we also had our first lec­tures in eco­no­mics, law, fi­nan­cial ac­coun­ting and di­gi­tal busi­ness ma­nage­ment, some of which took place in the cast­le. We were also al­lo­wed to pre­sent our first pre­sen­ta­ti­ons in group work. I was po­si­tively sur­pri­sed by the nice lec­tu­r­ers and fel­low stu­dents. Of cour­se, our cour­se was also re­pre­sen­ted at the fresh­man par­ty and made many new cont­acts. 

All in all, it can be said that we both had a lot of fun in our first weeks at the DHBW, made our first cont­acts with fel­low stu­dents and are loo­king for­ward to the re­mai­ning weeks.  

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