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On­line Lec­tures and Home Of­fice in Hungary

Sin­ce 12.03.2020 the­re are no at­ten­dance lec­tures at the DHBW Mos­bach be­cau­se of Co­vid-19. For that re­ason I flew home on the 23.03. to my fa­mi­ly to Hun­ga­ry, sin­ce then I have pas­sed all my exams and curr­ent­ly am wri­ting my first sci­en­ti­fic pro­ject the­sis in home office.

I can con­sider mys­elf lu­cky that I was able to fol­low all on­line lec­tures from home, my cour­se of stu­dies is very prac­ti­ce-ori­en­ted, which me­ans that we had many as­sign­ments in our 2nd se­mes­ter and only two exams, which were oral vi­deo call exams.

Sin­ce 25.05. I have been back in the prac­ti­cal pha­se, whe­re I am wri­ting my first pro­ject the­sis in the to­pic of e‑commerce. I get all the help I need in my home of­fice, I can cont­act my pro­ject su­per­vi­sor at any time and make an ap­point­ment to dis­cuss my ques­ti­ons by call.

When I he­ard in March that the uni­ver­si­ty was clo­sing, I was sad and hap­py at the same time. I usual­ly only see my fa­mi­ly on ho­li­days be­cau­se they live in Hun­ga­ry and I knew that I could stay at home for a long time and spend end­less time with them, which made me in­cre­di­bly hap­py. On the other hand, I was di­s­ap­poin­ted and a bit scared, I was very hap­py about the theo­ry pha­se, I was hap­py to see my fri­ends again and to go back to uni­ver­si­ty. At first I could not ima­gi­ne how it will be, how I will pass the exams but lucki­ly ever­y­thing was well or­ga­ni­zed by the DHBW, we did­n’t have to worry about anything.

TecAlliance has also or­ga­ni­zed the home of­fice very well, I can con­ti­nue work pro­duc­tively and wi­t­hout any pro­blems, but I can’t wait to go back to the com­pa­ny and see my col­le­agues again.

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