You are currently viewing Stadt­ra­deln 2023 Wei­kers­heim: Tog­e­ther for a sus­tainable fu­ture on two wheels

Stadt­ra­deln 2023 Wei­kers­heim: Tog­e­ther for a sus­tainable fu­ture on two wheels

In the pic­tures­que town of Wei­kers­heim, sus­tainable mo­bi­li­ty is writ lar­ge. This year, the po­pu­lar Wei­kers­heim city cy­cling event took place again, in which ci­ti­zens pe­dal­led tog­e­ther for cli­ma­te pro­tec­tion. For th­ree weeks, every par­ti­ci­pant had the op­por­tu­ni­ty to en­ter the ki­lo­me­t­res they had co­ver­ed by bike. The TecAlliance team took part again this year and di­li­gent­ly coll­ec­ted ki­lo­me­t­res. In the end, it was 1632 ki­lo­me­t­res!

The aim of city cy­cling is not only to pro­mo­te sport­ing ac­ti­vi­ty, but also to set an ex­am­p­le for cli­ma­te pro­tec­tion and a sus­tainable fu­ture. Every ki­lo­met­re cy­cled sa­ves CO2 emis­si­ons and thus makes a va­luable con­tri­bu­ti­on to cli­ma­te protection.

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