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Ro­ta­ti­on to Munich

Even be­fo­re the snow cha­os that tem­po­r­a­ri­ly pa­ra­ly­zed Mu­nich, we went to our lo­ca­ti­on in Is­ma­ning near Munich.

Jo­han­nes Wen­gert and Ro­bin Mohr, two of the se­cond-year IT trai­nees, were able to drop in on CCS IT and Pa­trick Hen­kel­mann, while An­dre­as Litt, a third-se­mes­ter In­ter­na­tio­nal Busi­ness dual stu­dent, was able to get a tas­te of the Ac­coun­ting and Con­trol­ling de­part­ments in Fi­nan­ce. But no mat­ter which de­part­ment, the th­ree of us were able to gain a lot of new ex­pe­ri­en­ces and get to know a few other colleagues.

Mu­nich also had a va­ried pro­gram in store for us out­side of work. We vi­si­ted the Deut­sches Mu­se­um, Christ­mas Day and did other things, such as go­ing to an ice ho­ckey match.

All in all, we can say that our ro­ta­ti­on to Mu­nich was very wort­hwhile for us and we would love to come back.

Jo­han­nes, Ro­bin and Andreas

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