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Girls’ Day at TecAlliance  

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Yes­ter­day the an­nu­al Girls’ Day took place again and TecAlliance par­ti­ci­pa­ted as well. On this day, fe­ma­le stu­dents have the op­por­tu­ni­ty to gain in­sights into pro­fes­si­ons in com­pa­nies that are other­wi­se do­mi­na­ted by men. As a tech­ni­cal com­pa­ny, we were also very plea­sed to give girls the op­por­tu­ni­ty to see for them­sel­ves what our day-to-day work is like. 

We star­ted our day with a tour of the com­pa­ny, whe­re we show­ed the girls our com­pa­ny pre­mi­ses and in­tro­du­ced them to the va­rious de­part­ments. Af­ter­wards, we lear­ned about HTML and CSS, the ba­sic tech­no­lo­gies of web de­sign. The stu­dents were able to ex­plo­re the func­tion­a­li­ties of the new lear­ned lan­guages themselves. 

In ad­di­ti­on to pro­vi­ding an in­sight into ever­y­day working life, we also in­tro­du­ced the girls to the va­rious cour­ses of stu­dy and training available at our com­pa­ny. It was im­portant for us to show the girls the pos­si­bi­li­ties that exist in the IT in­dus­try and that wo­men can also be very suc­cessful here. 

To ligh­ten things up, the­re was a PS3 tour­na­ment and e‑learning ses­si­ons on safe be­ha­viour on the In­ter­net. The girls were not only able to com­pe­te in the game, but also re­cei­ved im­portant tips and tricks on how to use the In­ter­net safely. 

Over­all, it was a suc­cessful day whe­re we gave the girls the op­por­tu­ni­ty to get an in­sight into the working world of the IT in­dus­try. We hope that this day has hel­ped more girls to be­co­me in­te­res­ted in tech­ni­cal pro­fes­si­ons and to gain a foot­hold in the IT in­dus­try in the future. 

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