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Training Power BI

Last week, some of our dual stu­dents had the op­por­tu­ni­ty to par­ti­ci­pa­te in an in­ter­nal training on Mi­cro­soft Power BI. This is an ana­ly­sis ser­vice for vi­sua­li­zing data in the form of re­ports and cus­tom da­sh­boards to fa­ci­li­ta­te de­cis­i­on-ma­king in com­pa­nies. As part of the training, we were al­lo­wed to try our hand at using the tool for two days and prepa­re a wide va­rie­ty of em­ployee data in dif­fe­rent dis­play for­mats. This was the first mee­ting in a long time, which took place in a mee­ting room in Wei­kers­heim, in com­pli­ance with the cur­rent Co­ro­na measures.

Many of our col­le­agues who were not al­lo­wed to par­ti­ci­pa­te in the first round have al­re­a­dy be­co­me ac­ti­ve, so this training will take place again in the fu­ture with tho­se who are interested.

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