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Trai­nee Trip 2021

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Like every year, this year all trai­nees went on an ex­cur­si­on on 10 Sep­tem­ber 2021. De­spi­te the cur­rent si­tua­ti­on, it was a com­ple­te suc­cess again this year.

The day be­gan at 8:30 a.m. in front of the com­pa­ny buil­ding in Wei­kers­heim. Tog­e­ther with the other co­horts, more than 40 peo­p­le were gathe­red and af­ter ever­yo­ne had done quick tests, it al­re­a­dy star­ted with two get­ting-to-know-you games.

Af­ter­wards, the who­le team hik­ed down the hill to El­pers­heim, whe­re the pre­pared bubble foot­balls and the Ar­row­tag pitch were al­re­a­dy wai­ting for us on the foot­ball pitch. Six teams were for­med, each com­pe­ting in th­ree rounds of Ar­row­tag and Bubble­soc­cer. Right on time for lunch, sand­wi­ches were ser­ved and ever­yo­ne li­te­ral­ly po­un­ced on them.

Af­ter spor­ty but very fun­ny and suc­cessful or not so suc­cessful hours, the win­ners were crow­ned and the climb back to the com­pa­ny was on.

Once at the top, ever­yo­ne fres­he­ned up a bit, the bar­be­cue was hea­ted up and the beer fri­dge was ope­ned. Then fol­lo­wed a cosy get-tog­e­ther with good con­ver­sa­ti­on and lots of laugh­ter. The spon­ta­neous beer pong tour­na­ment only ligh­ten­ed the mood fur­ther. With Spa­nish mu­sic, ever­yo­ne danced exu­berant­ly into the night.

Cont­acts were made and per­haps even fri­end­ships were for­ged and so the beau­tiful day came to an end.

Many thanks to the or­ga­nisers and all tho­se who hel­ped to make this day possible.

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