Ba­che­lor prom in Bad Mergentheim

In the end of De­cem­ber the time had fi­nal­ly come and we dual stu­dents com­ple­ted our th­ree-year cour­se of stu­dies. Af­ter we have re­cei­ved our cer­ti­fi­ca­tes at the gra­dua­ti­on ce­rem­o­ny in the af­ter­noon, the pre­pa­ra­ti­ons for the Ba­che­lor Prom in the evening star­ted. For Mar­cin and me, the Ba­che­lor Prom took place in the Wan­del­hal­le in Bad Mer­gen­theim. Af­ter the men wore their suits and the wo­men slip­ped into their ball gowns, the evening could start with a cham­pa­gne wel­co­me and de­li­cious ap­pe­ti­zers. Thereu­pon many gra­dua­tes al­re­a­dy took the op­por­tu­ni­ty to take pic­tures in front of a pho­to wall with a pro­fes­sio­nal pho­to­grapher. The­se pic­tures were not only ta­ken with fel­low stu­dents and fri­ends, but also with fa­mi­ly mem­bers. Tho­se who pre­fer­red to have fun­ny pho­tos as a sou­ve­nir could also take them at a pho­to box with va­rious ac­cess­ories. As soon as the Ba­che­lor Prom was ope­ned by a speech, ever­yo­ne could en­joy the buf­fet con­sis­ting of star­ters, main cour­ses and des­serts. Af­ter ever­yo­ne had streng­the­ned them­sel­ves, va­rious fun­ny vi­de­os, pic­tures or quiz­zes about the past th­ree ye­ars of stu­dies were shown and car­ri­ed out by all cour­ses. Af­ter that, the un­of­fi­ci­al part star­ted, whe­re ever­y­bo­dy could dance to the mu­sic of the DJ. At about 3:00 am the last guests had to lea­ve the Ba­che­lor Prom af­ter an ex­ci­ting and won­derful day. A per­fect con­clu­si­on for th­ree ye­ars of work, di­li­gence and fun! 

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