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Our ro­ta­ti­on th­rough the dif­fe­rent de­part­ments at TecAlliance

While the stu­dents and trai­nees with IT-hea­vy cour­ses of stu­dy and app­ren­ti­ce­ships ex­pan­ded their co­ding skills, the two re­mai­ning stu­dents ro­ta­ted th­rough the va­rious de­part­ments at TecAlliance in Wei­kers­heim. This al­lo­wed them to gain va­luable in­sights into real day-to-day busi­ness. 

Both of us, Ma­rie Scholz and An­dre­as Litt, lear­ned a lot of in­te­res­t­ing things du­ring this week and are al­re­a­dy loo­king for­ward to our prac­ti­cal pha­ses. But it will re­main an­ti­ci­pa­ti­on for the time be­ing, as the stu­dents of the Fa­cul­ty of Busi­ness and Eco­no­mics will al­re­a­dy be at­ten­ding the uni­ver­si­ty from 01 Oc­to­ber. 


19.09.22 Ad­mi­nis­tra­ti­on 

We be­gan our ro­ta­ti­on th­rough the de­part­ments on Mon­day with a vi­sit to the ad­mi­nis­tra­ti­on. Du­ring the cour­se of the day, we were in­tro­du­ced to the va­rious are­as of re­spon­si­bi­li­ty of this de­part­ment, such as tra­vel boo­king. Of cour­se, the­re was also time for a nice chat, as Bir­git had  al­re­a­dy vi­si­ted my home re­gi­on (An­dre­as), the Ei­fel.  

So we star­ted our day with Bir­git at the re­cep­ti­on and got to know her va­rious tasks the­re, be­fo­re we could in­tro­du­ce our­sel­ves to the other col­le­agues of the ad­mi­nis­tra­ti­on in the de­part­ment mee­ting, so that we could also see the mem­bers of this de­part­ment who are not working from Wei­kers­heim.  

With a good lunch from our can­teen in our sto­machs, this was also the place of our next as­sign­ment. Thanks to Maria’s in­tro­duc­tions and ex­pl­ana­ti­ons, we both now know how the can­teen works and what to look out for. 

Even be­fo­re all the trai­nees were in­tro­du­ced to Con­cur, we were gi­ven a sneak-peek by Den­nis, so for once at least we knew a litt­le more than our fel­low IT stu­dents.  

Our day con­tin­ued with a vi­sit to Jean-Pierre and we got an in­sight into the com­pli­ca­ted insu­rance mat­ters that a com­pa­ny needs but no one else talks about. 

Fi­nal­ly, even the “boss” of the ad­mi­nis­tra­ti­on, Erik, took time for us and ex­plai­ned the are­as of re­spon­si­bi­li­ty, as well as cur­rent and up­co­ming pro­jects of the ad­mi­nis­tra­ti­on.  

All in all, the first day in the ro­ta­ti­on was quite suc­cessful and the next days should not be any worse.  


20.09.22 Sa­les Ser­vice RMI 

On Tues­day 20.09 we star­ted at 7:30 am with Anna-Lena in the Sa­les Ser­vice RMI. We got a deep in­sight into the ac­ti­vi­ties, pro­gram­mes and tools and were al­lo­wed to work in­de­pendent­ly. We crea­ted of­fers and were able to com­ple­te our first tasks in the Sa­les Ser­vice. All in all, we had a lot of fun on this day. 


21.09.22 Sa­les Ser­vice 

On Wed­nes­day we were also in the Sa­les Ser­vice. Chris­ti­na show­ed us all the tasks of the Sa­les Ser­vice and in­tro­du­ced us to the pro­gram­mes. Af­ter­wards, we in­de­pendent­ly sor­ted out, di­gi­ti­sed and re-sa­ved con­tracts, which was a lot of fun for both of us be­cau­se we work­ed very well as a team. 


26.09.22 Finance/Controlling 

This Mon­day we also ar­ri­ved at the of­fice full of an­ti­ci­pa­ti­on and went to Ma­ria Paul in Fi­nan­ce and Con­trol­ling. Af­ter a short talk with Bert­hold Hu­ber, we were im­me­dia­te­ly thrown in at the deep end with an in­de­pen­dent task.  Af­ter com­ple­ting this exer­cise, we de­ser­ved a rich lunch. In the af­ter­noon, Sin­ja gave us a lec­tu­re on the fur­ther tasks of con­trol­ling and fu­ture are­as of re­spon­si­bi­li­ty of the de­part­ment.  


27.09.22 Pro­duct Mar­ke­ting 

On Tues­days, we went to The­re­sa in Pro­duct Mar­ke­ting. On this day, we were shown more the prac­ti­cal side of this task be­fo­re we would learn about the stra­te­gic side on Fri­day. Af­ter a short round of in­tro­duc­tions, ever­y­thing im­portant was ex­plai­ned to us. Af­ter that, we were al­lo­wed to start im­me­dia­te­ly with our first task, the as­sess­ment and eva­lua­ti­on of pre­sen­ta­ti­ons and web­sites. The­re­sa also show­ed us the tools she works with so that we could get an idea of the work of a pro­duct mar­keter. Af­ter the lunch break, we were al­lo­wed to get ac­ti­ve our­sel­ves with pro­gram­mes like Blen­der or Fig­ma and crea­te 3D mo­dels or web­sites. 


28.09.22 Pro­ject Ma­nage­ment 

On Wed­nes­day, we went to IM-Tools and got to know the tasks of pro­ject ma­nage­ment bet­ter.  

Right at the be­gin­ning, Dirk ex­plai­ned the dif­fe­rent tasks in IM very cle­ar­ly, so that we could un­der­stand and ima­gi­ne the com­plex tasks even bet­ter. Im­me­dia­te­ly af­ter­wards, for­ti­fied with a cof­fee, we went into the sprint mee­tings with Başak and her team. First we at­ten­ded the Sprint Re­view, whe­re the com­ple­ted and un­ac­com­plished goals of the last two weeks were dis­cus­sed, be­fo­re we went into the Sprint Re­tro­s­pec­ti­ve and dis­cus­sed more per­so­nal mat­ters, as well as po­si­ti­ve and ne­ga­ti­ve ex­pe­ri­en­ces. Be­cau­se of the­se two mee­tings, the Scrum con­cept that is fol­lo­wed here at TecAlliance be­ca­me more tan­gi­ble for us. Af­ter all, this had only re­main­ed very theo­re­ti­cal af­ter the on­boar­ding weeks.  

La­ter, we were also able to look over Basak’s should­er, the team’s pro­duct ow­ner, as she pre­pared for the sprint plan­ning. The mee­tings con­tin­ued in the af­ter­noon and we took part in the Sprint Plan­ning Mee­ting. In this mee­ting, Ba­sak and the other mem­bers of the team sor­ted out their PBIs for the up­co­ming sprint and more or less di­vi­ded who should be re­spon­si­ble for which goal in the next sprint. This day in par­ti­cu­lar gave us a good un­der­stan­ding of the tasks of a pro­duct ow­ner.  

What we lik­ed very much about to­day was that we could take part in mee­tings and see how Scrum is im­ple­men­ted in real life. 

As a “bo­nus”, we were gi­ven the op­por­tu­ni­ty to par­ti­ci­pa­te in Sprint Plan­ning II the next mor­ning, in which the team dis­cus­ses the tasks among them­sel­ves and dis­tri­bu­tes the workload for the next two weeks, so that ever­yo­ne is sa­tis­fied with their tasks and can start the new sprint in good spi­rits. 


29.09.22 Fleet 

On Thurs­day we went to Fleet. Tog­e­ther with Ma­nue­la we first boo­ked ac­counts, then we in­de­pendent­ly pro­ces­sed com­plaints and crea­ted a user ac­count for an im­portant cus­to­mer.  

We were also in­tro­du­ced to the dif­fe­rent pro­gram­mes that are used. Du­ring some tasks we also came into cont­act with cus­to­mers and the­r­e­fo­re be­ca­me awa­re that the­re is also cus­to­mer cont­act at BMW Watch.  

Af­ter a more or less nut­ri­tious meal, which we had de­fi­ni­te­ly ear­ned, we star­ted the af­ter­noon with full bel­lies and a po­si­ti­ve at­ti­tu­de. 

Af­ter our lunch break, we had the task of di­gi­ti­sing con­tracts again, which work­ed well with team­work. 


30.09.22 Pro­duct mar­ke­ting 

On our last day, we were back at pro­duct mar­ke­ting. To­day we went to Na­tha­lie from Te­cR­MI. Here we were able to crea­te a per­so­na and con­sider which mar­ke­ting ac­ti­vi­ties would make sen­se for a par­ti­cu­lar cus­to­mer. Be­fore­hand, we were al­lo­wed to eva­lua­te the TecAlliance web­site and were also able to give useful feed­back, which should cer­tain­ly flow into the fu­ture de­sign of the web­site.  

Sin­ce Na­tha­lie had also com­ple­ted her Bachelor’s de­gree at the DHBW and we also had our lec­tu­re sche­du­le in the me­an­ti­me, she was also able to prepa­re us bet­ter for the first days at uni­ver­si­ty with her comm­ents on the in­di­vi­du­al sub­jects and pro­fes­sors. All in all, it can be said that Na­tha­lie also ac­com­pa­nied us well and we were able to take a lot with us. 


And so our two ro­ta­ti­on weeks also en­ded on a very po­si­ti­ve note. We were both able to learn a lot and are loo­king for­ward to the next prac­ti­cal pha­ses, when we will del­ve deeper into the re­spec­ti­ve to­pics. For now, it’s time for us to go to the DHBW, whe­re we will re­al­ly get into the theo­ry, so that we will al­re­a­dy know more in the next prac­ti­cal pha­se than we do now. 

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