My time in marketing

As a native Rhinelander, it was quite a pleasure for me to spend time at TecAlliance's Cologne location. The fact that I was allowed to rotate with Marketing to a…

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Zu­kunft Kar­rie­re” training fair in Tauberbischofsheim

Yesterday, March 7, 2024, TecAlliance once again participated in a training fair, this time in the Grünewaldhalle in Tauberbischofsheim. Together with our trainer Christian Becker, Julian Herrmann, a 3rd-year IT…

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In­tern­ship work­shop in Weikersheim

After the carnival days, we finally welcomed interns again to a wokshop in Weikersheim. From February 14 to 16, they were able to go through a varied program of different…

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Ro­ta­ti­on to Munich

Even before the snow chaos that temporarily paralyzed Munich, we went to our location in Ismaning near Munich. Johannes Wengert and Robin Mohr, two of the second-year IT trainees, were…

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In­tern­ship work­shop in Weikersheim

At the beginning of this week, workshops were once again held in Weikersheim, where interns were taught basic knowledge of various programming languages. For TecAlliance, these events offered an opportunity…

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