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In­tern­ship work­shop in Weikersheim

Af­ter the car­ni­val days, we fi­nal­ly wel­co­med in­terns again to a wok­shop in Wei­kers­heim. From Fe­bru­ary 14 to 16, they were able to go th­rough a va­ried pro­gram of dif­fe­rent IT ba­sics and ex­pe­ri­ence the dai­ly work rou­ti­ne at a lo­cal training com­pa­ny in the IT sec­tor at first hand. The work­shop was su­per­vi­sed by trai­nees and dual stu­dents, a com­mon prac­ti­ce at our com­pa­ny. They were able to ans­wer both tech­ni­cal and per­so­nal ques­ti­ons about the con­tent, com­pa­ny and training.

The work­shop star­ted with an en­ter­tai­ning com­pa­ny pre­sen­ta­ti­on and a tour th­rough the of­fice, du­ring which the col­le­agues pre­sent were also in­tro­du­ced. The con­tent then star­ted with the ba­sics of web pro­gramming in HTML and CSS, be­fo­re the know­ledge of the Py­thon pro­gramming lan­guage was also tought. Last but not least, the in­terns were gi­ven an in­tro­duc­tion to data ty­pes, loops and lists by the wor­shop su­per­vi­sors. Of cour­se, in ad­di­ti­on to the theo­re­ti­cal ba­sics, the­re were also num­e­rous prac­ti­cal exer­ci­s­es and ex­amp­les so that the know­ledge they had lear­ned could be ap­pli­ed di­rect­ly in many dif­fe­rent ways.

The in­terns went home every day with a smi­le on their face and cer­tain­ly lear­ned a lot. Per­haps we will be able to wel­co­me one or two of them back to our com­pa­ny in the future.

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